For those that have participated and love the Geist Half Marathon, be aware that changes are happening. Whether these changes are deemed good or bad is yet to be determined, but the event is being reimagined by a City of Fishers team in partnership with Geist Half Marathon. They state that the event will focus on participants, volunteers, and community experiences.
The first big change is that the event is moving to the fall. The 2023 event will be on Saturday September 16th. Even with the date later in the year, registration is open now.

The Geist race generally features a number of events. For 2023, it appears the focus will be on a 5k (3.1 miles) and half marathon (13.1 miles). VIP registrations will be retained as will team volunteer opportunities.
Early registration is open now with an expected price increase happening after January 5, 2023. The 5K early price is $24.99, and the half marathon is $49.99. I’m not sure why the City chose to go with more standard pricing of $25 and $50, but maybe this is part of the reimagination.
It is not stated what is included the fee. There is also a signup fee online which is stated to be $3.69 and $5.37 depending on which race length you choose. The site [oddly] states these prices might be higher (or lower) than this. This flexibility in what the fee truly is could be a part of the reimagining — The signup fee can be reimagined at will. If you register now, be aware that all registrations are non-transferable and non-refundable.
In the past, the Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools have heavily participated in the Geist Marathon with students. Additionally, a portion of the funds from the marathon have gone to help fund the Hamilton Southeaster Schools Foundation (HSEF) that provides grants to HSE teachers, students, and facility as well as provide scholarships to students. It is assumed that the marathon will continue to support the HSEF. To date, the marathon has donated over half a million dollars to the HSE Foundation. As the event is reimagined, let’s hope it continues to be a big supporter of our local schools.
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