The following are my notes taken from the November 9th, 2022 HSE School Board meeting. These notes were taken while listening to the meeting, so they are not presented in the best manner and might contain errors based on what I heard. These are unedited. For the most accurate information on the meeting, you can view the video of the meeting on the website.
Meeting called to order at 7:02pm
2.01 Foundation Grant Recipients
Justin Hirnisey, Executive Director, presented along with several others on the HSE Foundation grants. Over $78,000 distributed across 43 projects at 18 different locations within HSE Schools for Fall Grants. This is the most ever given out in a single grant cycle. Common themes of the grant requests submitted include robotics, 3D printing, creating Makerspace and project-based learning opportunities.
About half the projects in elementary schools and the other half split throughout the other schools (intermediates, Junior highs, and high schools).
All three experiential Learning locations received grants.
There is a selection committee that helps pick grant recipients. This includes staff, educators, student board members, and community members. These projects are extra curriculars for teachers in that it is above and beyond what they do as teachers. Many of the grants fund risk takers.

Two student HSEF board members talked about a couple of the projects as well. The2 seniors and 2 juniors from each of the high schools are a part of the HSEF board (8 kids). They did a fantastic job of presenting and said more than I could ever hope to capture in these notes!
Video played to show three of the recipients of the HSE Foundation grants.

There were comments made from some of the grant recipients including the three teachers at the learning experiences.
Class of 2023 there are 35 different community scholarships that can be applied for between now and March. They are also doing the #HSEFunselfie fundraiser. You can find more about the HSE Foundation at
Foundation is ran based on donations. “Ideas with Impact” is the current cycle for students and staff for funding and will be awarded in December.
Here is the video they presented:
3. Public Comment
No public comments
4. Consent Agenda
- 4.01 Board Minutes
- 4.02 Certified Staff Reports, Support Staff Reports, and Part-time Food Service Pay Sheets
- 4.03 Claims, Payrolls, 403(b) and 457 Salary Reduction Agreements
Motioned and approved: 7-0
Dr. Kegley introduced new director of K-12 initiatives. This is Steve L. “I want to shock the world with what our kids are capable of achieving.” This position is funded for two years through a 3E grant.
5.01 Preliminary Determination Hearing for Lantern Road Elementary Project (Informational)
Any project over $5.8 million up to about $18 million something has to go through two public meetings. Original estimate was $14 million, which wasn’t enough to do the complete renovation. They have additional bond dollars that will fund the project, but they have to redo the public hearing projects. Second hearing is on Friday at 7:00am so that they can get this project moving to capture in next year’s tax rate. (This project has been covered in several previous meetings.)
Things that were going to be cut are no longer be cut. Skylight, minimized mechanical upgrades (HVAC), limited interior/exterior renovations, and other things.
Fullhart said that we should have a punch card with the company doing the skylights in the X shaped schools.
Total Soft Costs estimate $2,549,564, Total Hard cost example $14,895,436, total cost $17,445,000
5.02 New Course Proposal (Informational)
Teachers initiate new courses. 20 new course proposals and 7 updated courses. See slide images included here. As a note, just because a course is added doesn’t always mean it gets executed. My daughter wanted to take a Constitutional Law course and it was dropped because not enough students signed up.
All of courses are state approved. Fullhart called out a number of cool courses. An Officiating course was called out as being cool.
Courses require having a teacher who is licensed to teach it before it can be offered. Courses are suggested by teachers, so that shouldn’t be an issue. Officiating course was called out as being cool.

5.03 Policy First Reading (Informational):
- E06.04 Video Surveillance;
- Intro paragraph added and other revisions. There was a section on private areas. Suzanne asked about the policy and for clarification on the privacy statementccG02.03 Communication with Staff;
- Q&A – CCHA wrote the social interaction piece to help define open door and where it applies. “But not limited to….” Suzanne wanted to clarify that this if the communication was regarding teachers talking to board members. It includes things like personal grievances, contract negation, and other things are unethical for a staff member to communicate with a board member in public because these are a part of executive sessions for the board. (Not sure I captured this discussion clearly).
- F09.00 Hazardous Materials;
- Following are all rescinding
- F01.00 Facilities Development Goals/Priority Objectives;
- F02.00 Facilities Planning;
- F02.01 Enrollment Projections;
- They are constantly looking at enrollment projections to determine staffing. It was indicated by board members that more should be stated in this policy even if it isn’t required. Policy isn’t needed, but a couple of board members suggested not rescinding it. Chambers indicated that she believes any unneeded policy should be removed. What he policy provides can always be requested by the school board and the administration is doing enrolment numbers regularly anyway.
- Does this have anything to do with requiring that a study be done? For example, they want to change a school board time should this be kept to keep reports happening? It was stated this policy is about enrollment and 10 year enrollment projects. Not having the policy doesn’t prohibit things from happening.
- Conversation changed to asking if there is a procedure regarding reporting on projects. The CFO indicated it is part of her job description to look at demographics and projections. There is a monthly update and then weekly in the summer to the start of school (more monitoring at that time). In short – the CFO is all over enrollment projections and enrollment as a part of her job. There are reports on Board Docs for with this information
- (((( NOTE: I’m not sure if the above discussion was for this or for the Enrollment policy in bullet 6 below. )))
- F03.00 Temporary School Facilities;
- F05.02.01 Contractor’s Fair Employment Clause/Common Wage;
- F08.00 Public Dedication of New or Renovated Facilities;
- F12.00 Chemical Management
6.01 Policy Second Reading (Action items):
- B05.05 Broadcasting of Board Meetings;
- I03.06.04 Postsecondary Enrollment Program;
- I05.00 Special items;
- I06.00 Charter Schools
Voted to move forward with these – Passed 6-1 – Boyer voted no.
6.02 Request Permission to Solicit Bids for E-rate Network Upgrades (Action item)
From Board Docs:
HSE Technology seeks approval to solicit bids for E-rate eligible network upgrades. HSE Technology utilizes the E-rate program to subsidize the purchase of network hardware that is outlined in a 10 Technology year plan. Through the E-rate program, HSE receives a 40% reimbursement for eligible purchases. Our plan calls for the replacement of network hardware that is over 11 years old at elementary schools in 2023. The funds for this project are allocated from an annual bond.
This passed 7-0.
6.03 Request Permission to Solicit Quotes to Sell iPads & Laptops (no longer in production) (Action item)
Roughly 3000 devices. Funds will go to textbook rental fund or operations, which are the funds that funded them. They find that they get a better deal when selling these in bulk. Boyer asked if minimums are set. It is a bidding process. Huge demand for devices during pandemic. Prior, iPads sold about 70 to 75 a device. Last two years closer to $100, but don’t expect that this year. MacBooks should be a little higher. Hoping $100 to $150.
From presented slide:
Surplus Technology
- Requesting permission to advertise and obtain quotes for selling surplus technology.
- Surplus devices have been replaced with new technology as part of our defined replacement plan.
- Surplus includes 1,350 6th gen iPads / 1,750 MacBook laptops.
- iPad revenue – Operations Fund.
- MacBook revenue – Textbook Rental Fund.
- Will be sold in bulk as we do not have the internal resources to auction off items individually
Passed 7-0
6.04 Request Permission to Award the Contract to Contractor for Transportation Expansion Project (Action item)
6.05 Request Permission to Award the Contract to an Architect to Design Fishers Elementary School (Action item)
From Board Docs:
On October 26, 2022, HSE received proposals for architectural services to renovate and expand Fishers Elementary School. Proposals were received from Beebe Design/Ratio, CSO, Fanning-Howey, krM, Schmidt, and VPS partnering with Cordogan Clark.
The Evaluation Committee met on Monday, October 31, 2022, to review the proposals. During the evaluation process, the Evaluation Committee looked at many factors including the design team, project approach, alignment with District innovation initiatives, previous experience with HSE and other K-12 schools, project management, and fees. The evaluation rubric used a weighted score. Seventy percent (70%) of the firm’s score is based on their qualifications as scored by the Committee members and thirty percent (30%) of the score is based on the firm’s fee. This weighted approach is widely accepted because the lowest price does not always deliver the best results.
CSO received the highest score on the rubric with a weighted score of 64.46/70. CSO was also the lowest on price with a fee of $1,800,000 (4.74%) earning 30/30 points for that section of the rubric. Combined, CSO scored 94.46/100 points. Therefore. the Evaluation Committee is recommending that HSE award the contract to renovate Fishers Elementary School to CSO based on a combination of qualifications and fees.
Attached is a chart containing the scoring rubric and fees for the responsive bidders.
Passed 7-0
6.06 Additional Appropriation Hearing
I see this as the standard “money moving around” that the district does to keep things funded. This is a public meeting, so it was opened up to public comments. There were none.
This is for general maintenance, lights, and other projects including part of transportation center.
$79 million in cash balance. There is no such balance in that amount. When the district sells bonds, it takes time to spend them. A recent bond they did will spend out over 2-1/2 years, but the money is allocated. They are also keeping some money in the Referendum fund in the case it isn’t renewed so they can use it to wind down programs. There is not $79 million in cash balances.
Passed 7-0
7.01 Board President’s Report
Thanked everyone for coming out to vote. Thanked the other candidates. Hopes new board coming in January will continue to support our teachers and students.
Friday morning is a special meeting at 7:00am that will be very short. It is the second public hearing for funding the LRE updates mentioned above.
Legally Blonde happening at the High School.
8. Superintendent’s Report – Matters of Corporation Interest
Reminded the community and board that a football game is on Friday. HSE vs Westfield at HSE.
Fishers Band will be at Lucas Oil on Saturday. Don’t know the time. Competing.
eLearning is on Friday. Kids will be at home. Teachers will be doing professional development at school.
Friday is Veteran’s Day, so she gave a shout out to Veterans.
Holiday Light recycling event happening again. Slightly used lights can be donated to the schools.
Pleased that voting happened. Appreciated the support of the schools. Kudos to the current board members that will be rolling off and she looks forward to working with the new board members coming in January.
Has documents for incoming board members.
8.02 December 14, 2022, DRAFT Agenda
The Return to Instruction on the agenda is required. Nothing is changing, they legally have to review it with the board every six months.
Other Stuff
Suzanne commented on a number of state placements by our kids for sports. Dr. Stokes mentioned this is on the school web site and that they appreciate what the students do. Suzanne also thanked Emily for putting things on social media.
My comment: If board members are going to chime in on topics at the end, then why not put the “board member reports” item back on the agenda? That is what had been used in the past to allow each board member a minute or two of talking on what they found happening in the district.
Meeting end time, roughly 8:12pm