Fishers, Ind. — State, County, and City officials will celebrate the completion of the 96th Street Rehabilitation project Monday morning, November 9th. A ribbon cutting will be happening at 8:30 a.m. at the Sargent Road roundabout located 96th and Sargent Road. In attendance will be Fishers Mayor, Scott Fadness as well as Hamilton County Highway Department and INDOT representatives. Attendees are must wear masks and maintain a 6 foot distancing.
The partnership between the State of Indiana, Cities of Fishers and Indianapolis, and Hamilton County led to the following work along 96th Street from Hague Road east to Cumberland Road. This included:
- Lane realignment and resurfacing for efficient travel
- Addition of a grass median with dedicated turn lanes
- Traffic signal modifications
- Reconstruction and additional travel lanes added to the Mud Creek bridge, including a pedestrian path
- Roundabout installation at 96th Street and Sargent Road
- Pedestrian paths on the north and south sides of 96th Street
The City stated that the Mud Creek Bridge and Sargent Road Roundabout project was slated to cost $8.5 million (80% federal, 20% local match) and completed by fall 2020. The Median Island and Lane Reconstruction project was slated to cost $2.4 million (60% local, 40% state) and slated to be completed November 2020. Actual costs were not provided.

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