Many people shout and scream on social media about socialism taking over. Those same people might want to pay attention a notice that has been distributed indicating the City of Fishers is looking to acquire Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Utilities. This is a move for the government to run one of the utilities. There will be a public hearing on this on October 11, 2021at 7:00pm at City Hall. The following notice was put out by the City:
In accordance with Ind. Code §36-9-23 et. seq., and Ind. Code §5-3-1, the City of Fishers, Hamilton County, Indiana (“City”) hereby provides NOTICE that on July 13, 2021, the City of Fishers Board of Public Works & Safety (“Board”) meeting in a duly noticed public meeting approved Resolution R071321A, A Resolution Approving an Asset Purchase Agreement with Hamilton-Southeastern Utilities, Inc. (“HSE”) And Other Related Matters Thereto. The resolution generally provides for the approval of the acquisition of certain HSE sanitary sewer assets in the
Fishers service area and related matters. A copy of the approved resolution is available for inspection at the City of Fishers, Administration, 1 Municipal Drive, Fishers, IN 46038 or online at www.fishers.in.us/agendacenter
HSE Utilities put out a similar notice although they also stated “The City is not proposing a rate increase as it is intends to maintain the current sewage rates and charges being imposed on both City customers and HSE Customers.”
If you are for reduced government and the push for private enterprise, then you might want to notify members of the City Council and the Mayor that adding the running of a utility business could be a bit of overreach by the local government. The City has pitched that such an acquisition should help reduce overall costs.
For more information on the acquisition including how the city plans to pay and what the City expects to get in return for the acquisition, visit https://www.fishers.in.us/1348/Hamilton-Southeastern-Utilities-Acquisit
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